How to Delete All Blank Cells and Rows in Excel

Learn how to Delete All Blank Cells in Excel in just 1 minute.खाली Cells Delete करें . Download Practice Files from   . Many people ask me how can they delete the blank cells in their Excel files and that to at once. Well  Excel provides a way to  find all blank cells at once and then delete those blank cells.
How to delete Blank cells at once in Excel
Its done using the GO TO Special Command . Process to delete all blank cells is 
1 Press CTRL + G 
 2 Select the Special Option
3 Select Blank
4 Press delete !

How to delete all Blank Rows in Excel 
Find and Delete Blank Rows in Excel in one time . You can find all blank rows and delete them at once in excel ! I used the 2 features of excel to delete the blank rows in excel.
How to find and delete all blank rows and delete them
1 - Use Countblank formula to identify blank rows
2 - Apply filter to get all blank rows together
3 - Delete all blank rows ! 

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